Our brewery

Always brewed in Cozad, NE

We are passionate about our roots here at The Frontier Frau, and we brew each batch of lager to honor the marriage of the old and new world flavors and spirit. Inspired by the traditional European methods and tastes, The Frontier Frau brings new life to old ways by embracing beer’s origins while still pushing innovation and flavor.

Co-owner & Brewer Amara Block

Nebraska natives

Co-owners & Brewers Cobus and Amara Block

After a summer in Europe several years ago, Amara was frustrated by the lack of available German lagers. She began experimentally brewing on her own with a kit she received from Cobus for Christmas. The hobby quickly spun out of control, and several hundreds of gallons of beer later, the pair decided to open a brewery close to where Cobus’s family homesteaded. Cobus and Amara are proud to stake their claim in the historic city of Cozad.

We can’t wait to serve you!

Our brewing tools & methods

  • We specialize in European-style lagers. We exclusively use German and Czech malts paired with noble hops. Our water comes unaltered from the Ogallala aquifer.

  • We use traditional brewing methods to put the most flavor in our beer. Those methods add substantial time and cost to the brewing process but are essential for achieving the right flavors.

  • All of our lagers are matured in cold storage. This allows the beer to improve in flavor and to naturally clear without filtering. Once the beer is ready to be served, it is moved into kegs or serving tanks.
